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Topic: Les musiciens de Nikki (Read 2543 times) previous topic - next topic

Les musiciens de Nikki

Andy Dacoulis (guitariste) parle de la tournée avec Nikki, voir

"Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay, I hope everyone is doing well. Here’s a quick update on my musical developments. Basically,  the past year-and-a-half I have been touring with young jazz sensation Nikki Yanofsky. We have covered quite a lot of ground in the past year and have played Jazz Festivals and concerts over a large part of the world: Canada, USA, Israel, Japan, France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Holland, Italy, and a few others that I can’t remember as I write this…The tour has been great and I have learned so much from sharing the stage with an amazing singing talent as well as the supremely talented musicians that are in her band: Rob Fahie (bass), John Sadowy (piano) and Rich Irwin (drums). These musicians are not only fine players, but amazing individuals as well. Once again, I am fortunate to be surrounded by that winning combination of great musicians and great people. Be sure to check out Rich Irwin’s website (

The concerts with Nikki have been a lot of fun and it has been a great experience getting my jazz playing back to a respectable level. This is the kind of music where if you don’t use that musical vocabulary in a while, you tend to lose it. So it is fun (and quite a challenge) to be able to reconnect with this music that was such a large part of my life when I was at University.

I have also done some recording with Nikki and I have posted a version of “Plus Je T’embrasse” on the Music page of the site."
