NikkiYanofsky: #30thingsaboutme 2- I'm a germaphobe. In high school my friends would fake sneeze or cough without covering their mouth to freak me out 23 January 2012, 22:45:04 pm NikkiYanofsky: #30thingsaboutme 2- I'm a germaphobe. In high school my friends would fake sneeze or cough without covering their mouth to freak me out[html]NikkiYanofsky: #30thingsaboutme 2- I'm a germaphobe. In high school my friends would fake sneeze or cough without covering their mouth to freak me out[/html]Source: NikkiYanofsky: #30thingsaboutme 2- I'm a germaphobe. In high school my friends would fake sneeze or cough without covering their mouth to freak me out Quote Selected