NikkiYanofsky: "@HarleyPlays: Im on a plane now and someone is taller than me. As soon as we take flight I will assert my dominance." Same Ill get ur back 06 September 2011, 17:16:37 pm NikkiYanofsky: "@HarleyPlays: Im on a plane now and someone is taller than me. As soon as we take flight I will assert my dominance." Same Ill get ur back[html]NikkiYanofsky: "@HarleyPlays: Im on a plane now and someone is taller than me. As soon as we take flight I will assert my dominance." Same Ill get ur back[/html]Source: NikkiYanofsky: "@HarleyPlays: Im on a plane now and someone is taller than me. As soon as we take flight I will assert my dominance." Same Ill get ur back Quote Selected